Car Accidents

Car Accident Attorney in Washington D.C. and Maryland

Car accidents occur everyday throughout Maryland and Washington D.C. The National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that an estimated 38,680 people died in motor vehicle traffic crashes in 2020 nationwide. In Maryland, the NHTSA reported that 573 lives were lost in 2020. As much as we would like for things to be otherwise, the unfortunate truth is that car accidents happen and they can sometimes be terrible, resulting in severe and life-altering injuries or death.

If you or a loved one has been in a car accident or lost someone to a car accident, you may be eligible for compensation. Contact our experienced Prince George’s County attorneys at the Heavenson Law Group, PLLC today at 202-717-6410 to schedule a free consultation. 

Causes of car accidents in Maryland and Washington D.C.

Car accidents are caused by several factors such as:

Who should be held liable in your Washington D.C. and Maryland car accident

Maryland is a fault-based state. This means that when car accidents occur, the at-fault driver (their insurance company) can be held liable for the accident and made to pay damages to the affected party.

Thus, when claiming compensation for a car accident, you can address your claim to either the at-fault driver, their insurance company (third-party claim), or your own insurance company.

In contrast, Washington, D.C. is a no-fault district, meaning that each person’s own insurance company covers their own damages, regardless of fault. Personal injury protection is bought by each party and covers his or her own damages for medical expenses and lost wages.

Washington, D.C. provides a 60-day election period when the victim can elect to use their no-fault option or bring a claim against the at-fault driver. If they choose the no-fault option, they usually cannot submit a claim against the other driver down the line except for very specific exceptions. These exceptions consist of:

  • If the cost of your medical expenses and loss of income for your injury exceeds the limits of your personal injury protect (PIP)
  • If your injuries contain permanent impairment, scarring or disability that lasts at least six months.

When you meet both of these requirements, you can file a claim against your own personal injury protection coverage and a claim against the at-fault party. Nevertheless, you must make this decision and filing within 60 days from the date of your accident.

For best results in claiming compensation for your injuries, reach out to our Prince George’s County personal injury lawyers at (202) 717-6410.

What should you do after a Maryland or Washington D.C. car accident?

The moments immediately following a car accident can be packed with confusion made worse by an intense adrenaline rush. This is understandable, given what you just experienced. We however recommend that you should call our experienced Washington D.C. car accident attorney to help navigate the process of physical and financial recovery from accidents.

A few steps you should follow

Try to take down as much information as you can. Take photographs of your car, the site of the accident, your injuries and any other information you think is relevant. Also take down the information of the other driver’s contact information and insurance information. 

Give your statement to the police and be sure to request a copy of the police report. Allow yourself to be thoroughly examined by either the medical personnel or your doctor and get a copy of the medical report.

The police report and medical report provide compelling pieces of evidence that together with other data, lend credibility to your case and improves your chances at getting satisfactory compensation.

How long can you wait before filing a car accident lawsuit in Maryland?

In Maryland and Washington D.C., the statute of limitations for personal injury cases is three years from the date of the accident. You have three years from the date you sustained the injury to file your complaint. If you do not file a complaint within this period, you stand a chance of having your case thrown out.

Let us help you 

We have over 10 years experience in representing our clients and producing highly satisfactory results. We will fight the insurance companies and work vigorously to maximize your settlement. Reach out to us today at (202) 717-6410 and let’s get started on getting you the compensation you deserve.